41011-41012 U.S. History Honors

(Credit - 2) (Elective) (Year) (Grade: 9)  (Honors Course) (Grade: Non-weighted)

Prerequisite:  The prerequisite to taking enrichment course is the following: 1)  The student has a cumulative G.P.A of 3.00 or above, or 2)  The student has a 3.00 G.P.A. or above in previous related course work. Exceptions to this prerequisite can be made via a written application process.  Applications can be obtained at the guidance office.
Although the seven main units of study and the test are the same as standard course, Honors U.S. History will require students to partake in several enrichment activities and will emphasize the geographic, political, economic, and social factors that have influenced the development of our nation.  Honors U.S. History challenges students to assess primary and secondary sources as they evaluate different interpretations of the time period by utilizing a thematic, question‐driven approach.  Course work will include:  The Jungle, All Quiet on the Western Front, research paper, essay style assessments, and various computer application assignments.  This one‐year course is designed for highly motivated, self‐directed students and provides the opportunity for the development of critical thinking skills and concepts.  Students that have a deep interest in U.S. History and feel that they are capable of the additional challenge are strongly encouraged to register for this course.