43701 Western Civilizations 1

(Credit - 2) (Elective) (Year) (Grade: 11 only)

(College Credit Course - HIS 112 & HIS 113) (8 DMACC credits) (Grade: Weighted)

*This course will take the place of the World History requirement.
The prerequisite to taking enrichment courses is the following:  1)  The student has a cumulative G.P.A of 3.00 or above, or 2)  The student has a 3.00 G.P.A. or above in previous related course work.  Exceptions to this prerequisite can be made via a written application process.  Applications can be obtained at the guidance office.
College Western Civilizations is a course designed for students with strong academic skills, self‐motivation, and the willingness to participate in class discussion and student initiated projects.  The curriculum is designed to foster an appreciation for the diversity of cultures and value systems from ancient to modern times.  The class stresses the importance of seeing life as a series of inter‐related themes and events; thus, the world is viewed historically as well as artistically through the mediums of literature and the fine arts.  Outside speakers and field trips may be incorporated.  Topics will trace the development of Western history from Mesopotamia through the Modern Era.  College Credit:  Students will receive 8 college credits in Western Civilization from DMACC (Semester 1:  HIS 112 4 credits; Semester 2:  HIS 113 4 credits).